$5.00 – $180.00Select options
Paw Paw Asimina triloba
Size: 18-24″
Mature Height: 10-15 ft
Light: Shade Tolerant;
Soil Type: Moderate/Moist
Growth – S.
It almost has a tropical vibe with a yellowish, fleshy, edible fruit that looks like 3-5 inch stubby bananas and ripen in Oct. Fruit is frequently used for desserts. Fruit has a vast history with indigenous people. Flowers in mid-May with purplish, maroon velvety stiff petals with a distinctive odor. Larvae of the Zebra Swallowtail (Eurytides Marcellus) feed only on the young leaves. Prefers well drained soil and is somewhat tolerant of frost.
Needs at least two for cross-pollination.
$5.00 – $180.00